Tūtira Mai Cyclone Gabrielle Relief Concert
Toni Huata

Tūtira Mai Cyclone Gabrielle Relief Concert

'Tūtira Mai - Standing together, all iwi, all nations within unity and mana.

This title and meaning speaks to the kaupapa that has brought everyone together in unity, within the spirit of aroha and giving, thanks to the waiata Tūtira Mai Ngā Iwi gifted by the children of Ngāti Kahungunu composer Cannon Wi Te Tau Huata (MC). 

The Tūtira Mai - Cyclone Gabrielle Relief Concert was born to support our whānau, hapū, iwi and hāpori from the devasting effects of Cyclone Gabrielle. We are all affected and many are still isolated without power, communications, clean water and basic resources. Many have lost their homes, marae, kura, livelihood and some their lives. The restoration has begun but it will take years to recover. 

Resources are required on a daily basis to whānau that are displaced and to the regions that are traumatised from this event. 

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Whanganui ā Tara are happy to support this kaupapa and thank all that have contributed towards this concert, volunteering their time, expertise, artistry, talents, co-ordination, production, administration, venue, marketing, promotion, resources, funding, security, recycle/waste management, manaakitanga, kai, heart and koha. 

The lineup is stellar and features award winning artists:

Troy Kingi, Louis Baker, AJA, Mara TK, Aotearoa All Stars, Sianne, Amber Holly, Kirsten Te Rito, Lisa Tomlins, Rachel Fraser and DJ Jayrasik. The night will also be entertained by MCs Kiino Krystal and The Māori Sidesteps Jamie McCaskill and Regan Taylor. The three-hour concert will be full of amazing artistry and entertainment. 

Hāngi and merchandise will be available for sale, so bring cash and come all to support this cause. 

If you aren't able to come but would like to contribute, you can do so through the donation function or direct to: Te Rūnanga o Kahungunu acc: 38-9003-0175982-05 ref Tūtira Mai Relief Koha 

The proceeds raised this night will be given to Ngāti Kahungungu Iwi Incorporated to distribute throughout the Hawke's Bay, Wairoa, Wairarapa and East Coast affected regions. 

See Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Whanganui ā Tara face book for updates and all other supporting platforms.

We acknowledge and thank the organising kāhui (all volunteers, producers, production, marketing, Kai, merchandise), Pipitea Marae Trust, Tāwhiri, Wellington City Council, Ticketspace, Te Reo Irirangi ki te Upoko o te Ika, Ati Awa Toa Fm, SOUNZ, Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori, Te Arahanga o Ngā Iwi, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Te Rōpū Pākihi, Flying Colours, Metro, Phantom Billstickers, Matrix Digital, AV Media, Print Room, Ngai Tauira, Hukarere kōhine ki Te Whanganui ā Tara and all for your contributions. 

Tūtira Mai e te iwi, tātau tātau e... 

This is an alcohol free, all ages whānau friendly event

*100% of the per ticket booking service fee by ticketspace are donated to Tūtira Mai
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