Toni Huata



We are very happy to announce that te reo Māori ballad HE AROHA written by Ngahiwi Apanui, sung by Toni Huata and recorded with Aotearoa Allstars released as part of the Waiata Anthems Week of releases 5-11 September 2022.

HE AROHA: Buy https://bfan.link/he-aroha

HE AROHA: Audio https://youtu.be/W0CooFs_qjo

And for Te Wiki mo te reo Māori the below

HE AROHA: Slide show https://youtu.be/gEKLBWZeWlk


Hei tā te tautitotito o te waiata 'He Aroha', a Ngahiwi Apanui, e tū whakahīhī ana ia ka whakaputaina a 'He Aroha' e Waiata Anthems 2022. 

Composer of the waiata 'He Aroha', Ngahiwi Apanui is proud the waiata 'He Aroha' will be released as part of Waiata Anthems 2022.

"E kōrero ana a He Aroha mō te aroha hei tūāpapa mō te rangimārie. E tika ana kia whakaputaina a He aroha i tēnei wā."

"He Aroha speaks about aroha or love as the basis for peace and understanding. Given what is happening in the world today, it is a perfect time to release a waiata like He Aroha."

Ka titiro a He Aroha ki te aroha a te tangata takitahi, ki te aroha huri noa i te ao anō hoki.  I tau tata nei i pūpū ake te pakanga i Ukraine, kua kaha puta hoki te kōrero kaikiri.

He Aroha addresses love from a personal and a global perspective and the issues that have led to the war in Ukraine and increasingly polarised views towards ethnic minorities.

Hei tā Apanui, "Kia kaua te tokomaha e wehi ki ngā tikanga mai i iwi kē. He akoranga kei aua ahurea mō te katoa. Ko te tūmanako, mā te waiata nei e tuwhera ai te kūwaha e puta ai te katoa ki te ao mārama."

Apanui says, "People should not be threatened by different ways of looking at the world. Every ethnic group has aspects of their culture that everyone can learn from. I hope this waiata in some small way opens a portal though which we may all allow our hearts to learn something new about the sisters and brothers we share the world with."

" E mihi ana hoki ki te pēne mō ō rātou pūkenga i kounga ai te waiata nei. He reo motuhake tō Toni - kāore rawa atu e kore, ko ia tētahi o ō tātou tino kaiwaiata, Māori mai, Pākehā mai, wai ake! Ki te pēne me ngā kaimahi o Matrix Digital i Pōneke, nōku te waimarie e hoa mā."

"I am also so proud of the way the band have performed and produced the waiata. Toni Huata's vocal is an outstanding performance in any country and once again confirms her status as one of our greatest vocalists. The performance and production on He Aroha is a credit to the band and to the wonderful kaimahi at Matrix Digital in Wellington."  

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