TAKITIMU KARANGA on Mother's Day, NZ Music Month

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We are very delighted that allot of you were able to attend this beautiful event celebrating

Maori music and performance with artists from Ngati Kahungnu and Takitimu canoe on a day for our mum's on Mother's Day.

The month of May is New Zealand Music month so we wish to engage with all in the spirit of togetherness, our connections, our language, our arts and love.

Through this we connect on all levels!

Great to see your mum and wider family with our wonderful hangi in the Karaka Cafe and

then the entertainment from this exceptional array of musical artists and kapahaka from

Te Haeata Awatea - Wellington College and Wellington Girls High School.

RSVP always essential to waahuu@xtra.co.nz and we look forward to the next celebration!

Mauri ora!

New Album Chart Success - Tomokia

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Wellington singer-songwriter Toni Huata is capitalising on the chart success of her dub, dance and electronica sound with an encore collection of bilingual tunes.
The 10-track ‘Tomokia’ is Huata’s fifth album but her second in the dub and electronica genre in collaboration with celebrated Piha musician and producer Paddy Free of Pitch Black fame.


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 A music makeover has paid off for an indigenous diva after her first ever chart success.

Wellington-based singer-songwriter Toni Huata launched her fourth album, ‘Hopukia’, late last month (July) – her first in the dub and electronica genre, her first bilingual collection of songs and her first in collaboration with top New Zealand musicians Paddy Free and Gareth Farr.

Kahungunu Maranga - Toni's 6th Album and home favourite!

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KAHUNGUNU MARANGA (2017 8 track CD - 2016 3 track EPToni Huata has nailed what is good in music. Sing what you know, blend it in with the right instruments and harmonies, but most importantly, when you sing from your roots your message transcends beyond what you could ever imagine”. The warmth of each song lifts any negativity from the air. The title track Kahungunu Maranga is originally credited to have been written by Huata’s grandfather. Odes to tipuna, whānau and iwi. Each song firmly holds the roots of these pillars in the jazz-country-swing styled writing. Different to other albums of Huata’s as she explores tradition in this smaller set as opposed to her often more vast creations. A light refreshing that celebrates history and reminds us of how important it is to keep tradition and culture as precious memories and never forget them. NZ Musician Magazine. Reviewed by Holly Mc George

TOMOKIA - Chart topping album for Toni Huata

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TOMOKIA (2014) Dance, Dub, World, Soul. 'Tomokia' is Toni Huata's fifth album, another chart topper and her second in the dub/electronica genre, made in collaboration with celebrated Piha musician/producer Paddy Free of Pitch Black fame. According to Paddy, Toni Huata has always been adventurous in exploring new styles and genres of music - "which is testament to her huge vocal skills in soul, R'n'B, pop, haka … you name it, she can sing it! "On the new album, she branches out into everything from dance-pop and moody, deep dub tracks through to ambient 'tone poems', strum-along ballads and feel-good reggae. If the last album was a new direction, then this one furthers that exploration along many diverse paths." 'Tomokia' represents accomplishment, completion and bravery with the concept originating from an ancestral proverb: 'E rere e te huata hopukia, e rere e te manuka tomokia'. ODE Records


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The 10-track ‘Tomokia’ is Huata’s fifth album but her second in the dub and electronica genre in collaboration with celebrated Piha musician and producer Paddy Free of Pitch Black fame.

To Purchase or listen please select one of these below

iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/nz/album/tomokia/id882620185?uo=4&at=10lrHH

Amplifier – http://www.amplifier.co.nz/release/107137/tomokia.html

7 Digital – http://www.7digital.com/artist/toni-huata/release/tomokia

Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Tomokia-Toni-Huata/dp/B00KLLBSPY

Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Toni_Huata_Tomokia?id=Bx3rsznkyhpp3a4rstvbgjplxp4

Qobuz – http://www.qobuz.com/album/tomokia-toni-huata/9421028858526

Rdio – http://www.rdio.com/artist/Toni_Huata/album/Tomokia/

Spotify – http://open..spotify.com/album/5NzYkuvklGc4rFyEQCgMUX

Hopukia (2012)

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A music makeover has paid off for an indigenous diva after her first ever chart success.

Wellington-based singer-songwriter Toni Huata launched her fourth album, ‘Hopukia’, late last month (July) – her first in the dub and electronica genre, her first bilingual collection of songs and her first in collaboration with top New Zealand musicians Paddy Free and Gareth Farr.